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My mission with PEMF, is to create an effective, customized 

Wellness Plan just for you. 

It is designed to help you get WELL and stay WELL!

You have no idea how much PEMF can help YOU… until you try it!

I suffered with chronic pain since the age of 10.  Due to scar tissue, I had extreme pain,  stiffness and limited mobility until I found PEMF. PEMF has relaxed my pain, Clinical Depression, Anxiety about my pain and given me a new outlook on life. 

PEMF Therapy is a natural way to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, energize the immune system, excrete waste, and function optimally. The number one sign that your cells need energy support is Pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances. When you are feeling that way, you just do not want to get into life.

Your body benefits from coming into direct contact with the earth’s magnetic field, officially known as Schumann Resonance 7.83 Hz  — it’s one of the reasons people love walking on the Beach,  barefoot so much. The ocean’s salt water is an excellent conductor of energy that increases the transfer of energy from Earth to  your body.

Each cell in your body is like a battery, capable of holding only so much energy. Think of your cells like a mobile phone — over time they lose their charge and need to be recharged to function. There are various reasons your cells weaken and may not be generating or maintaining enough charge: physical injury, toxicity, scar tissue, inflammation, and poor nutrition are just some things, that literally steal your energy out of your body cell batteries.

"Chronic disease and loss of well-being is always defined by low electrical charge. With enough voltage and raw materials, the body can heal almost anything."

Dr. Jerry Tennant, MD

Author\Healing is Voltage’


What is 


PEMF(Pulsed Magnetic Frequency Field) is a Wellness Technology that is applied to the entire body and targeted areas of concern.

The heart pumps blood through the main arteries, but it is dependent on the additional power of the autonomic pumping, pulsing motion of the Micro-vessels

in the human body.

Wellness begins and ends with how well the pulsing electricity in your Micro-Vessels within the human body are FUNCTIONING!

Without this Micro-vessel Meridian system pulsing, most of our cells would be denied the nutrients and oxygen required to function.

The constant blood flow is needed to cleanse and create the electrical charge

needed for all parts of the human body.  This Meridian circulatory system also distributes hormones, immune cells, and many other molecules and nutrients.

What does 


PEMF is a natural health tool to recharge every cell in your body so your cells are better able to uptake nutrients, excrete waste, and function optimally. 

The number one sign that your cells need energy support is pain. Pain and fatigue are your body’s cry for help — it’s how your body gets your attention. Other signs include dis-ease, weakness, reduced function of any body part, and emotional imbalances.



RED LIGHT THERAPY Is a PEMF  Tool that provides a calming relief for Arthritis and

Rheumatoid Arthritis 

What are some of the Benefits of PEMF

Most people suffer from energy deficit due to lack of energy and vitality, which is due largely to our hectic, hustle and bustle of everyday living. That includes all of the environmental and emotional stresses, overwork, pollution, poor nutrition and\or lack of exercise.

Due to PEMF,

YOU can now do something naturally to self empower and include in your Wellness Plan. It will correct and holistically/naturally uplift your ENERGY

within each cell in your human body.

You will RELAX....







also use PEMF to optimize their performance.

How does the Meridian Massage work??

A sense of WELLBEING can be induced in all people, from the very young to the elderly. 


The Wellness Journey Studio is applied by means of PEMF Wellness Technology Tools that are placed and moved over the Meridians of your entire body, which provide a micro-current of pulsed magnetic frequency to charge each cell that is weak in your body.


is entirely painless and free of any side effects. Before we do the Meridian Massage, I will assess your body to find your trouble areas.

By clearing the Meridians, the micro-circulation in your vessels are opened to improve blood cell flow and free to perform and work in sync with the body. It is due to the increase in the electrical charge given to the cells that makes you feel the energy and oxygen. 

How does PEMF promote WELLNESS?


Most people suffer from energy deficit due to lack of energy and vitality, which is due largely to our hectic, hustle and bustle of everyday living. That includes all of the environmental and emotional stresses, overwork, pollution, poor nutrition and\or lack of exercise.The Human Body has a natural ability of self-healing on its own- which promotes Homeostasis - which is the body working towards balancing itself-

when the cells are fully charged. PEMF charges weak cells.

Applying PEMF to the body can help by increasing the earth's electrical charge in the human cells where they are weak or sluggish.

The human body is created in such a way, that if it has a sufficient supply of ENERGY,

it will function at optimal capacity. However, when the body is sluggish at its foundation, an energy deficit occurs.

Think of it like the Battery in your Mobile Phone.

When it is fully charged, you are good to go! But, if the battery is low, your phone lags, is very slow then powers off automatically!!!

What are Side Effects?

Is it SAFE?

There are no known side effects of


You generally feel RELAXED during

and after a session.

What is causing illness

in the Human Body?? the cause of 65% of human illness. PEMF has been demonstrated to decrease stress. A PEMF Session with sensory deprivation can be quite rejuvenating and refreshing!!  


-It is not recommended during Pregnancy.

-It is not recommended for people with a Pacemaker


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